Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Trust ???

In life we meet so many people, we need to communicate with so many others. In so many ways what they do or even think, directly or indirectly, decides the course of our lives.And there are a zillion others we come across just for a little time, but who have a little "longer" than" short" impact on us.
Out of these, how many can we trust? How many can we blindly (or even with open eyes) have faith in?
How many out of these say what they mean? How many of them don't hide a dagger behind their backs while they talk with goodwill to us? How many of them will stab us?
I wish the answer was easy. Maybe it is. Atleast sometimes. It's "All of them"
May sound unbelievable, but is true.
I don't know about the social life years ago, but as I see it now, people have become so nuclear, that the only words they know are "I" and "Me"
It's hard for me to imagine, that there was a time when you could leave your houses unlocked. When you could let a stranger into your house and treat him like God.
Even though I come from a small town, where I've spent a good 30 years, I sometimes (maybe most times) see a stranger (or even people I think I know) with distrust. Maybe I've been unlucky in my past experiences when I've trusted others or it's just my paranoid behavior. But I definately feel that I, like so many others today, am being deprieved of one of the most beautiful virtues of a Living Being.......Trust.
It's so nice to see a little baby cuddle off to sleep in his mother's lap, quite unaware of the perils that lie outside, just because he has faith in his mother and her love.
There is a little story I had heard long back:
There was once a man who was very angry and drove very rash as his 5 year old daughter sat on the back seat of the car playing with her favorite doll. As he drove at high speed missing near fatal accidents on multiple ocassions by sheer luck, the highway police followed him and finally after a long chase were able to apprehend him. They were quite surprised when they saw that the girl was playing with her doll quite unperturbed by the long chase. They asked her if she was scared when the car was moving at such high speed. She answered, "Why should I have been afraid.......My 'Dad' was driving."...........
That's the faith a child has. And as this child grows she or he slowly outgrows her or his Faith in Parents, Relatives, Friends and sometimes her/himself.
If you had read the lines above carefully, you would have noticed I had used the term "Living Beings" for having the virtue of Trust, and not just humans.
Animals learn to trust humans slowly, but once they do, their faith is unshakeable. Even though humans use the animals to suit their needs, these animals blindly have faith in the love of their owners.
Even plants trust the the soil they grow in, the sunlight they grow towards and the hand which gives them water.
It's sad that as humans we can't trust other human beings. Though in small ways we do trust (or atleast try to) others, but it is always darkened by the feeling of mistrust. Like we trust the driver of the bus we board, but always feel he is over speeding and question his credibility or even his alcoholic status?
But these are probably small things when compared to the relation that we share with our near relatives (as we say), friends, colleagues, superiors and other people we meet and work with daily.
I don't know if it is the rat race that we are in, or the jealousy of seeing others prosper, or our own failures........................but we fail to develop a bond of trust, and if we do we are bound to see it broken (see how unable I am to even perceive a Trustworthy Bond evein in thoughts !!!)
Don't know whom or what to blame. Maybe that's a lie. I probably do know whom to blame. It's of us.....................what do you say?

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