Thursday, July 24, 2008

Olive and Fig Tree

There is a story I had heard long back, an Olive Tree and a Fig Tree stood side by side. The season was Autmn at it's peak. The Fig Tree had lost all it's leaves while the evergreen olive tree was full of green leaves as usual. The olive tree made fun of the fig tree saying how he had lost all it's leaves, and was ecstatic that even High Autumn could not take his leaves away from him.
But soon when winter came, due to heavy snow, the olive tree couldn't bear the weight of the snow that had collected on it's leave and fell down, while the fig tree still stood tall, as not much snow could stick on to it's bare branches.

As a kid when I first heard this story, I could have never imagine how each moment in my life (or for that matter in a lot others' too) this story would come to play over and over again.

So many instances and moments in life have shown me how thin is the line between ecstasy and despair. How a big smile can turn to a bigger tear in a very small time.
Many times I remembr a verse in Bible which says that He who exalts himself shall be abased and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.
Whether we like it or not, it happens to us (atleast ne) so many times, everyday, in big ways and small, and sometimes in quite unnoticeable ones too.

So I am learning to "...treat Triumph and Disaster, the two imposters, just the same."
Hope we all do

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