Sunday, November 30, 2008

The force that rules us

Sometimes i wonder how would it feel to be God. The One. The Almighty....................

If you are to go by the movies which have humanized God, it is probably very attractive.
But I admire how He works in ways we can't even imagine in our wildest dreams.
He has solutions to the impossible.
He has ways to scale the unsaleable
He can do anything
And the greatest thing is He knows exactly when and how to do it for our best....
All I can do is thank Him for working in all our lives and guiding us

Don't know if this qualifies as a post in my blog, but i just typed what i was feeling

Have a great life everyone

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Olive and Fig Tree

There is a story I had heard long back, an Olive Tree and a Fig Tree stood side by side. The season was Autmn at it's peak. The Fig Tree had lost all it's leaves while the evergreen olive tree was full of green leaves as usual. The olive tree made fun of the fig tree saying how he had lost all it's leaves, and was ecstatic that even High Autumn could not take his leaves away from him.
But soon when winter came, due to heavy snow, the olive tree couldn't bear the weight of the snow that had collected on it's leave and fell down, while the fig tree still stood tall, as not much snow could stick on to it's bare branches.

As a kid when I first heard this story, I could have never imagine how each moment in my life (or for that matter in a lot others' too) this story would come to play over and over again.

So many instances and moments in life have shown me how thin is the line between ecstasy and despair. How a big smile can turn to a bigger tear in a very small time.
Many times I remembr a verse in Bible which says that He who exalts himself shall be abased and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.
Whether we like it or not, it happens to us (atleast ne) so many times, everyday, in big ways and small, and sometimes in quite unnoticeable ones too.

So I am learning to "...treat Triumph and Disaster, the two imposters, just the same."
Hope we all do

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Trust ???

In life we meet so many people, we need to communicate with so many others. In so many ways what they do or even think, directly or indirectly, decides the course of our lives.And there are a zillion others we come across just for a little time, but who have a little "longer" than" short" impact on us.
Out of these, how many can we trust? How many can we blindly (or even with open eyes) have faith in?
How many out of these say what they mean? How many of them don't hide a dagger behind their backs while they talk with goodwill to us? How many of them will stab us?
I wish the answer was easy. Maybe it is. Atleast sometimes. It's "All of them"
May sound unbelievable, but is true.
I don't know about the social life years ago, but as I see it now, people have become so nuclear, that the only words they know are "I" and "Me"
It's hard for me to imagine, that there was a time when you could leave your houses unlocked. When you could let a stranger into your house and treat him like God.
Even though I come from a small town, where I've spent a good 30 years, I sometimes (maybe most times) see a stranger (or even people I think I know) with distrust. Maybe I've been unlucky in my past experiences when I've trusted others or it's just my paranoid behavior. But I definately feel that I, like so many others today, am being deprieved of one of the most beautiful virtues of a Living Being.......Trust.
It's so nice to see a little baby cuddle off to sleep in his mother's lap, quite unaware of the perils that lie outside, just because he has faith in his mother and her love.
There is a little story I had heard long back:
There was once a man who was very angry and drove very rash as his 5 year old daughter sat on the back seat of the car playing with her favorite doll. As he drove at high speed missing near fatal accidents on multiple ocassions by sheer luck, the highway police followed him and finally after a long chase were able to apprehend him. They were quite surprised when they saw that the girl was playing with her doll quite unperturbed by the long chase. They asked her if she was scared when the car was moving at such high speed. She answered, "Why should I have been afraid.......My 'Dad' was driving."...........
That's the faith a child has. And as this child grows she or he slowly outgrows her or his Faith in Parents, Relatives, Friends and sometimes her/himself.
If you had read the lines above carefully, you would have noticed I had used the term "Living Beings" for having the virtue of Trust, and not just humans.
Animals learn to trust humans slowly, but once they do, their faith is unshakeable. Even though humans use the animals to suit their needs, these animals blindly have faith in the love of their owners.
Even plants trust the the soil they grow in, the sunlight they grow towards and the hand which gives them water.
It's sad that as humans we can't trust other human beings. Though in small ways we do trust (or atleast try to) others, but it is always darkened by the feeling of mistrust. Like we trust the driver of the bus we board, but always feel he is over speeding and question his credibility or even his alcoholic status?
But these are probably small things when compared to the relation that we share with our near relatives (as we say), friends, colleagues, superiors and other people we meet and work with daily.
I don't know if it is the rat race that we are in, or the jealousy of seeing others prosper, or our own failures........................but we fail to develop a bond of trust, and if we do we are bound to see it broken (see how unable I am to even perceive a Trustworthy Bond evein in thoughts !!!)
Don't know whom or what to blame. Maybe that's a lie. I probably do know whom to blame. It's of us.....................what do you say?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Life full of hurdles or stepping stones????

Well, how many of us have at some point of our life felt that life has too many hurdles. That the blocks in our lives are so big that we can't possibly cross them? That each time we solve a problem, a bigger one arises. That we can't make it.........
Whether we like it o not (Or whether we are brave enough to admit or not) I am sure each one of us has faced this more than once.
Now when I look back at manyof such times in my life, I laugh and mock at my foolishness. It seems crazy to think that a problem can't be solved. I laugh and think that I've grown up now. But next moment when I face another problem which I can't find an instant solution to, I start feeling all it over again. This problem is too big. I can't overcome. But all this just to laugh and mock at myself at a later stage in life about my immaturity. The vicious cycle continues, and probably will continue.
It's so strange that everything in life is so relative. An unsurmountable problem at one time, seems so trivial at another (especially if a solution has been found) and a small problem can blow up all out of proportion at another.
So what do we do when we face a problem next (besides thinking that it is impossible to overcome and laugh at ourselves at a later stage :-))
I have found an easy solution. Well, that's not true. I am still in the process of "finding" that solution, and it definately is not "easy"
Next time we face a problem let's not be scared of the magnamity of the problem, or the "im"possibility of it's solution, but not see it as a problem at all.
I think it makes sense that a problem will cease to be a problem once we stop seeing it as a problem. (Though I agree that there are too many problems...... even in the sentence!!!!)
So what do we see it as???????? Well it's a lot easier said than done, but a "Stepping Stone"
Doesn't make sense........Well it does, and definately will once you aplly it.
For starters, just try and apply this in retrospect. Think of one of the biggest problem you faced in the past and how in someway, obvious, or discreet, it has benefitted you. Try to make connections of that problem with all the positive things that have happened in your life at any time after the problem, even if you think they are not obviously related in any way.
Practice this exercise. It'll be difficult, but once you master it (or atleast start it sincerely) you'll see and obviously believe that the present problem is going to bring a lot of good results in the future.
To sum it in one line, Remember your Past positively while facing a problem of Present to make a positive Future.

as someone has rightly said, we can use a stone to make a wall in front of us that we can't cross or use it to buid a bridge to cross a river.
All the best building such bridges.....

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Life......What does it mean.....

Isn't that a difficult question?
Well, maybe not.........On second thoughts definately Yes.....
It's all too confusing.
Life is sometimes a bed of roses, and next minute a mattress of thorns. The moment you think it can't go any worse, it actually does. When you least expect a smile, you end up laughing.
It has happened to me a lot of times. atually more than a lot of times. And am sure to many others too.
I believe in God. And have no reason not to. I can't explain so many coincidences that've happened to me and to many others I know, by any other explanation.
There has to be someone Supreme, who is in charge. One Who knows it all. The One and All. The One who doesn't love, but is Love Himself.
It doesn't matter whether we call Him Ganesh, Krishna, Shiva, Jesus, Allah, Nanak, Buddha or Mahavir. It really doesn't. He is what He is. His magnamity can't be shortened by any human terminology.
As Shakespeare had said so rightly, "What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;"
So would Jesus stop helping me when I need Him, just because I call Him Shiva?
Or would Allah turn His face away if I use the word Buddha?
They are too Big to have any of these human vices.
Whether it is Allah, Shiva, Jesus or The God of any faith, they are all "Perfect"
And in Their Perfection They know only how to Love and be Compassionate.
And I guess that's what Life is. It is love and compassion. So next time we wonder how justified or worth our life is.................we should just look at how much love we've spread in our life and how compassionate we've been? How many times we've given our shirt to a beggar who is shivering in cold??????? How many times we've hurt ourselves so that someone else could be benfitted........????????
Well I guess not many by these standards can boast of a worthwhile life..... At least I can't.
But we can try.........Can't we?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Posts from old blog

Monday, April 30, 2007

Well............... A long gap................A silence which in most probability went unnoticed.That's what is strange about LIFE........................"NOBODY IS INDISPENSIBLE"Nobody is........As human beings we are often so self centred. And when I say "Self Centred" I don't just mean You as a person, but everything concerning it the people you love and care for, your possessions, your friends, your career, your preferences................The Central thing is always YOU...And in this love for yourself, you fail to seewhat is beyond. Your vision is limited to what you want to see. You are always a hero in your own eyes. You are always the one the world cannot sustain without. You are THE ONE.And then someday when you cross the thin line between belief and breaks you..............You see yourself as a mortal...................someone who is not invincible afterall......... And trust me..............It's hard to accept..............But afterall, what are we all.........................Just a bunch of mortals...........So the next time we think of ourselves as someone too important to be ignored by others, just remember what we are.....................Not The One...............But just a one............
posted by Avi @ 9:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Life is strange. What you want it will never give, and when you relaize that you will never get it and learn to live with it, you get it. And then when you re-teach yoursel to live with it. Life takes it back, when you least expect it.This is not just a web of words (Okay I do agree to some extent that it is a poor web of words), it is what most, if not all, of us experience sometime or the other in life. The moment we think we are happy, the next moment we maybe 'orced' to cry ; the moment we think that we have won, the next moment we may 'lose'. There is a very thin line between ecstasy and dispair, and most of us are always hoppin' around that line. And the problem is that no matter how clear we keep our vison, the line gets dimmer and dimmer. Wonder how we can magnify this line ???
posted by Avi @ 1:43 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 16, 2006

The unusual gap didn't mean that I would be silent for ever (Though I presume many would want so)These past few days have been emotionally exhausting. Be it one of the patients I had admitted dying post operative or seeing the cries of those who lost their loved ones in the Mumbai Blasts. There were so many disturbing scenes of the blast victims and their famililes on the media recently. Usually I am a great advocate of The Freedom of Speech and the importance of Media. But I shameully witnessed the coarse manner in which some members of the media dealt with it. These channels were just worried about their TRPs and everything was just a news for them. It is regretful.Also as I was going through some of my previous posts (I know very few in number) I realised that they were too depressing. I didn't mean them to be that way (perhaps I don't write as good as some of my friends tell me I do)I have seen how beautiful life can be......... a boy who had bad contractures around his kne after he got burnt, got a chance to play footbll again after a reconstructive surgery.....that moment...the way his brothers and sisters left whatever they were doing, no matter how important, just to see him smile........ that was life at its bestLife can bring so much happiness and joy, but sadly it can also bring a few sorrows and tears. But that's the real beauty of life. It changes and changes, and when we think it can't change anymore, it changes again.Be it for good or worse, it is obvious that soon it will change again.So don't be too happy about your joys, nor be too sad for your sorrows.....after all they are just bubbles in time, soon to burst aay making space for some new one.It sounded good (Atleast I hope so!)But then I wonder should we stop enjoying are joys and not crib about our sorrows................I know it will never happen.........We will always know that sorrows and joys are temporary, still we'll spend tears over our grieves and laughter over our glee.So many things "Don't change" afterall...........
posted by Avi @ 11:04 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Is there rebirth?Is there any afterlife?Where did you get this body?Where do you go when you leave your body?What will happen when you go?Whenever I think of any of these questions, all I feel is numbness, all I hear is a never ending beep, and all I see is darkness. I always struggle hard and the answers are always just a step away. But I have never been able to take that step.I have heard of stories (and actually seen one in real life) of how a child starts doing weird things which are finally related to his previous life. How a child goes to totally strange place, recognizes people and speaks languages unheard of. I have also heard stories where a person is supposed to have died but comes back to lie because of mistaken identity. All this is fascinating, and makes interesting stories, But where lies the truth?
posted by Avi @ 9:15 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 30, 2006

I have heard people say that the years in life don't matter, it is the life in the years that really matters. Sounds good. Gave me goosebumps when I heard it first. But how practical is it? Let me rephrase that.... How easy is it?...........Okay let me rephrase again.......How difficult is it?I still remember a man in his early forties in the Surgery wards during my med school. He was suffering from a kind of stomach cancer and was 'Medically destined' to die by the Professors. He was to undergo a CT Scan of the abdomen and due to administrative faults and loopholes, his CT Scan appointment kept on being postponed. While the relatives, friends and acquaintances of the Professors and also other influential people got their CT Scans, for as minor as problem possible, done out of turn, this man, would wait in the ward laughing around with other patients and sometimes with me too.In his eyes I could see just three things, one, the knowledge that he had a deadly disease, two,hope that all will be well, and three, fearlesness of death. I can't understand how a man could be so lively in such a condition. I never knew whather he got his CT Scans and Barium studies done, or whether he lived or died......But one thing I know is that he had conquered Death.It could've been his courage, hope or even ignorance o the severity of disease............. But he had no fear......Even if he had any, it surely didn't show. And what is still more unbelievable is that seeing his fearlesness and optimism, so many other patients who came in contact with him, benefited.I am sure if the disease has killed him, he still lives in the lives of all he came across.He surely does in mine..........And will always reverberate my soul with his hearty laughter wishing me each time I entered the ward.Maybe people are right........ Oh Yes, They are............It's the life in the years that really matters.
posted by Avi @ 12:24 PM 1 comments

It seems as if Death himself was reading what I wrote yesterday. There was pain and tears all over, after the bus accident near Simla today. The official Death Toll they tell me is 18, but I am to believe that this is well beyond 30. A man in the same village, from where most casualities occured, was planning to give a retirement party today. He would have been so ecstatic and proud of being able to throw a grand party....... But before he could do anything this catastrophe (And mind......not natural, but manmade to a large extent) fell upon the village. Now he probably sits in solitude thinking about what he planned and what happened. Then there was a man who had boarded the bus just a minute before it rolled down into the gorge. He boarded not a bus........but his Death.No matter how much explanations and technical committees are now set up for the accident. The damage has already been done. No amount of compensatory money can replace the loss. The damage is irrepairable.Was it the drivers fault? Was he driving too fast while overtakin when the bus rolled down? Are the people sitting on the rooftop of the bus are to be blamed for causing the imbalance leading to the accident.Maybe the people were too much in a hurry and could not have waited for another bus................... Is then the System to be blamed for not operating enough buses to ply on that road ????The questions will be multiple, and so will be the speculations. But now probably nothing matters. Life has been lost. Not one, but many. The best thing we can do is Pray to the Lord to give the departed souls peace, their families courage to tide over this troubled time and most of all to the rest of us the wisdom and knowledge to respect Life as we live and enjoy it.
posted by Avi @ 4:31 AM 3 comments
Thursday, June 29, 2006

I have seen Life and I have seen Death....................and the more I see Death, the more i realize how beautiful Life is.It is unbelievable how most of the mankind fails to realize how lucky they are to be alive. Each day when we read a Newspaper or see a News Channel (Though I must say that the number of News Channels have grown and their quality proportionally gone down), we come across umpteen cases of either people ending their lives or someone's life being put to an end due to someone's mistake. Life is slowly losing it's meaning.I know that poeple committing suicide must have a very strong and seemingly valid reason to end their life, but i fail to understand any of their reasons and justifications each time I see a patient die in the wards with that look in his eye, saying just one thing to me............'Save me...........I don't wanna die'Each time I hear the wails of relatives seeing their loved ones go, and each time I see that fear of unknown and that invisible tear in the eyes of children of the person expired or the unbelieving eyes of the father......... I cry too.The feeling of helplesness is excruciating. And nothing is worse than this.And then next morning when I read a Newspaper, I read that a Lover committed suicide jus beacuse some arrogant and orthodox villagers won't allow him to continue with his marriage with a woman from another caste..... I cry more. Poeple, with their egotistical and stubborn notions and beliefs, want to decide everything on their own, forgetting how each life and each of the circumstances is unique in itself. They waste life........... both theirs and others'.We ought to start realizing how fortunate we are to be healthy and alive. And we have to learn to respect that.Here is a beautiful poem by Charlotte BronteLifeLIFE, believe, is not a dreamSo dark as sages say;Oft a little morning rainForetells a pleasant day.Sometimes there are clouds of gloom,But these are transient all;If the shower will make the roses bloom,O why lament its fall ?Rapidly, merrily,Life's sunny hours flit by,Gratefully, cheerily,Enjoy them as they fly !What though Death at times steps inAnd calls our Best away ?What though sorrow seems to win,O'er hope, a heavy sway ?Yet hope again elastic springs,Unconquered, though she fell;Still buoyant are her golden wings,Still strong to bear us well.Manfully, fearlessly,The day of trial bear,For gloriously, victoriously,Can courage quell despair !Life is beautiul.......... believe me, coz I have seen what is not. So look at it with respect, not just yours, but other's too.....God Bless you all.

(Re)Starting all over again

Hi All (If there are any at all !!!!)
After a really long silence I am back to write down my thoughts again (hopefully more regulary now)
I forgot the password to my previous (now ancient) blog........

So am creating a new one........

Hope someone (Anyone) will like it