Saturday, July 19, 2008

Life......What does it mean.....

Isn't that a difficult question?
Well, maybe not.........On second thoughts definately Yes.....
It's all too confusing.
Life is sometimes a bed of roses, and next minute a mattress of thorns. The moment you think it can't go any worse, it actually does. When you least expect a smile, you end up laughing.
It has happened to me a lot of times. atually more than a lot of times. And am sure to many others too.
I believe in God. And have no reason not to. I can't explain so many coincidences that've happened to me and to many others I know, by any other explanation.
There has to be someone Supreme, who is in charge. One Who knows it all. The One and All. The One who doesn't love, but is Love Himself.
It doesn't matter whether we call Him Ganesh, Krishna, Shiva, Jesus, Allah, Nanak, Buddha or Mahavir. It really doesn't. He is what He is. His magnamity can't be shortened by any human terminology.
As Shakespeare had said so rightly, "What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;"
So would Jesus stop helping me when I need Him, just because I call Him Shiva?
Or would Allah turn His face away if I use the word Buddha?
They are too Big to have any of these human vices.
Whether it is Allah, Shiva, Jesus or The God of any faith, they are all "Perfect"
And in Their Perfection They know only how to Love and be Compassionate.
And I guess that's what Life is. It is love and compassion. So next time we wonder how justified or worth our life is.................we should just look at how much love we've spread in our life and how compassionate we've been? How many times we've given our shirt to a beggar who is shivering in cold??????? How many times we've hurt ourselves so that someone else could be benfitted........????????
Well I guess not many by these standards can boast of a worthwhile life..... At least I can't.
But we can try.........Can't we?

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