Monday, July 21, 2008

Life full of hurdles or stepping stones????

Well, how many of us have at some point of our life felt that life has too many hurdles. That the blocks in our lives are so big that we can't possibly cross them? That each time we solve a problem, a bigger one arises. That we can't make it.........
Whether we like it o not (Or whether we are brave enough to admit or not) I am sure each one of us has faced this more than once.
Now when I look back at manyof such times in my life, I laugh and mock at my foolishness. It seems crazy to think that a problem can't be solved. I laugh and think that I've grown up now. But next moment when I face another problem which I can't find an instant solution to, I start feeling all it over again. This problem is too big. I can't overcome. But all this just to laugh and mock at myself at a later stage in life about my immaturity. The vicious cycle continues, and probably will continue.
It's so strange that everything in life is so relative. An unsurmountable problem at one time, seems so trivial at another (especially if a solution has been found) and a small problem can blow up all out of proportion at another.
So what do we do when we face a problem next (besides thinking that it is impossible to overcome and laugh at ourselves at a later stage :-))
I have found an easy solution. Well, that's not true. I am still in the process of "finding" that solution, and it definately is not "easy"
Next time we face a problem let's not be scared of the magnamity of the problem, or the "im"possibility of it's solution, but not see it as a problem at all.
I think it makes sense that a problem will cease to be a problem once we stop seeing it as a problem. (Though I agree that there are too many problems...... even in the sentence!!!!)
So what do we see it as???????? Well it's a lot easier said than done, but a "Stepping Stone"
Doesn't make sense........Well it does, and definately will once you aplly it.
For starters, just try and apply this in retrospect. Think of one of the biggest problem you faced in the past and how in someway, obvious, or discreet, it has benefitted you. Try to make connections of that problem with all the positive things that have happened in your life at any time after the problem, even if you think they are not obviously related in any way.
Practice this exercise. It'll be difficult, but once you master it (or atleast start it sincerely) you'll see and obviously believe that the present problem is going to bring a lot of good results in the future.
To sum it in one line, Remember your Past positively while facing a problem of Present to make a positive Future.

as someone has rightly said, we can use a stone to make a wall in front of us that we can't cross or use it to buid a bridge to cross a river.
All the best building such bridges.....

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